New lab papers (!!!)
Very excited to share the first MemoLab papers, which arrived as a pair on consecutive days in March. Both projects were led by postdoc Rose Cooper.
Cooper, R.A., Kensinger, E.A., & Ritchey, M. (2019). Memories fade: The relationship between memory vividness and remembered visual salience. Psychological Science.
- This paper reports a set of behavioral experiments investigating the reconstruction of perceptual features in memory. Spoiler alert: memories fade, literally.
- Links: paper, data, lay summary
Cooper, R.A. & Ritchey, M. (2019). Cortico-hippocampal network connections support the multidimensional quality of episodic memory. eLife , 8:e45591.
- This paper reports an fMRI study examining the brain networks supporting episodic retrieval. We found that AT-PM network integration increases during episodic retrieval and scales with an objective, continuous measure of memory quality.
- Links: paper, code
April 1, 2019
Maureen Ritchey