The analyses presented here test subsequent memory effects during encoding of a multi-feature event (from the GitHub repository:
Mean single trial beta estimates at i) onset and ii) offset of each visual display (onset N and offset N are 6s apart) were extracted from each of 204 ROIs across the cortex and medial temporal lobe (see ~/data/bindingfmri_wholebrain_ROIs_info.csv). Onsets are used to test the relationship between brain activity and memory for the upcoming event, whereas offsets are used to test the relationship between brain activity and memory for the preceding event.
Each event includes 3 associations encoded in parallel – an object with an associated i) color, ii) sound, and iii) scene location.
Subsequent memory detail is calculated as the number of features (0-3) later correctly recalled. Feature-specific estimates of subsequent memory are also analyzed (correct, 1, vs. incorrect, 0). The relationship between activity (each ROI’s beta series) and subsequent memory is estimated using linear mixed effects (LME) models with the following pipeline:
### Load in behavioral data for all 27 subjects:
behavData <- read.csv('../data/AllSubjects_bindingfMRI-behavior.csv', header = TRUE)
behav_subs <- unique(behavData$SubID)
cat('Number of subjects =',length(behav_subs))
Number of subjects = 27
# ** note. behavioral data is already sorted by subject and encoding trial onset ** #
# Create additional columns for subsequent memory measures of interest -- Sound, Color, & Scene features ----------------------------
behavData$Sound <- 0
behavData$Sound[behavData$SoundCorrect == 1 & behavData$SoundConfidence == 1] <- 1 # sound only sucessful if correct *and* high confidence
# define 'success' thresholds for color and scene trials -> 75% probability within von Mises for 27 subjects aggregate data
cCutOff = 42
sCutOff = 24
# feature accuracy
behavData$Color <- 0
behavData$Color[behavData$ColAbsError <=cCutOff] <- 1 #correct if error (how far from target) less than or equal to threshold
behavData$Scene <- 0
behavData$Scene[behavData$SceAbsError <=sCutOff] <- 1 #correct if error (how far from target) less than or equal to threshold
# overall memory detail (accounting for feature success - 0-3)
behavData$MemoryDetail <- behavData$Sound + behavData$Color + behavData$Scene
#### separate trial-unique conditions based on feature combinations recalled --------------------
## 1 feature
behavData$Color.Only <- 0
behavData$Sound.Only <- 0
behavData$Scene.Only <- 0
behavData$Color.Only[behavData$Color == 1 & behavData$Sound == 0 & behavData$Scene == 0] <- 1
behavData$Sound.Only[behavData$Color == 0 & behavData$Sound == 1 & behavData$Scene == 0] <- 1
behavData$Scene.Only[behavData$Color == 0 & behavData$Sound == 0 & behavData$Scene == 1] <- 1
## 2 features
behavData$Color.Scene <- 0
behavData$Sound.Color <- 0
behavData$Scene.Sound <- 0
behavData$Color.Scene[behavData$Color == 1 & behavData$Sound == 0 & behavData$Scene == 1] <- 1
behavData$Sound.Color[behavData$Color == 1 & behavData$Sound == 1 & behavData$Scene == 0] <- 1
behavData$Scene.Sound[behavData$Color == 0 & behavData$Sound == 1 & behavData$Scene == 1] <- 1
## 3 features
behavData$Color.Scene.Sound <- 0
behavData$Color.Scene.Sound[behavData$Color == 1 & behavData$Sound == 1 & behavData$Scene == 1] <- 1
### run a check to make sure no trial has been allocated to more than one combination:
nPresent <- rowSums(behavData[,c("Color.Only","Sound.Only","Scene.Only","Color.Scene","Sound.Color","Scene.Sound","Color.Scene.Sound")])
if (max(nPresent) < 1) {
cat('ERROR: trial(s) assigned to more than one combination\n')
# double check encoding data is sorted correctly (by subject, then encoding onset (by run and time))
behavData <- behavData[order(behavData$TotalEncodingTrial),]
nTotal <- nrow(behavData)
# print percentage correct for each feature
feature.accuracy <- behavData[,c("SubID","StudyTrial","Color","Sound","Scene")]
sub.behav <- feature.accuracy %>% gather(Feature,Accuracy,Color:Scene) %>%
group_by(SubID, Feature) %>%
summarise(M = mean(Accuracy))
kable(sub.behav %>% group_by(Feature) %>%
summarise(Memory = mean(M), SE = se(M)),format="pandoc",
caption="Feature Accuracy (proportion of trials labeled as correct)")
Table: Feature Accuracy (proportion of trials labeled as correct)
Feature Memory SE
-------- ---------- ----------
Color 0.6604424 0.0240285
Scene 0.6606996 0.0331897
Sound 0.5626543 0.0338430
### print total number of trials that uniquely fall into each possible combination:
cat('\nNone recalled trials =', nrow(subset(behavData,MemoryDetail == 0)),'(',round(((nrow(subset(behavData,MemoryDetail == 0)))/nTotal)*100,2),'%)\n')
None recalled trials = 456 ( 12.03 %)
cat('Color only trials =', sum(behavData$Color.Only),'(',round(((sum(behavData$Color.Only))/nTotal)*100,2),'%)\n')
Color only trials = 384 ( 10.13 %)
cat('Scene only trials =', sum(behavData$Scene.Only),'(',round(((sum(behavData$Scene.Only))/nTotal)*100,2),'%)\n')
Scene only trials = 268 ( 7.07 %)
cat('Sound only trials =', sum(behavData$Sound.Only),'(',round(((sum(behavData$Sound.Only))/nTotal)*100,2),'%)\n')
Sound only trials = 162 ( 4.27 %)
cat('Color & Scene only trials =', sum(behavData$Color.Scene),'(',round(((sum(behavData$Color.Scene))/nTotal)*100,2),'%)\n')
Color & Scene only trials = 542 ( 14.29 %)
cat('Scene & Sound only trials =', sum(behavData$Scene.Sound),'(',round(((sum(behavData$Scene.Sound))/nTotal)*100,2),'%)\n')
Scene & Sound only trials = 397 ( 10.47 %)
cat('Sound & Color only trials =', sum(behavData$Sound.Color),'(',round(((sum(behavData$Sound.Color))/nTotal)*100,2),'%)\n')
Sound & Color only trials = 277 ( 7.3 %)
cat('Color & Scene & Sound trials =', sum(behavData$Color.Scene.Sound),'(',round(((sum(behavData$Color.Scene.Sound))/nTotal)*100,2),'%)\n')
Color & Scene & Sound trials = 1306 ( 34.44 %)
Check if encoding success at trial N is related to encoding success on trial N+1 within subjects
behavData$EncodingEvent <- rep(1:24, nrow(behavData)/24) #event number within run
# overall detail, then each feature separately
features = c('MemoryDetail','Color','Sound','Scene')
for (f in 1:length(features)) {
my.col <- which(colnames(behavData) %in% features[f])
correlations <- data.frame(array(0,c(length(behav_subs),2)))
colnames(correlations) <- c('SubID','Z')
for (s in 1:length(behav_subs)){
subData <- subset(behavData, SubID == behav_subs[s])
correlations$SubID[s] <- behav_subs[s]
trialn <- subset(subData, EncodingEvent < 24) #all but last event of run for N vector (1:23) correlated with ...
trialn1 <- subset(subData, EncodingEvent > 1) #all but first event of the run for N+1 vector (2:24)
correlations$Z[s] <- fisherz(cor(trialn[,my.col],trialn1[,my.col]))
R = fisherz2r(mean(correlations$Z))
SEmean = se(correlations$Z)
cat('Mean correlation (r) between trial N and N+1 for',features[f],'within subject =',R,', SE =',SEmean,'\n')
Mean correlation (r) between trial N and N+1 for MemoryDetail within subject = 0.1005285 , SE = 0.02729053
Mean correlation (r) between trial N and N+1 for Color within subject = 0.01079016 , SE = 0.01759081
Mean correlation (r) between trial N and N+1 for Sound within subject = 0.1127844 , SE = 0.03943163
Mean correlation (r) between trial N and N+1 for Scene within subject = 0.06142598 , SE = 0.02007916
Onsets are used to test the relationship between activity and memory for the upcoming event
############################# single trial activity data ##############################
# get subjects' data
subjects <- list.files(path='../data/single-trial-betas/event-onset/',full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE, pattern = 'onset-wholebrain')
allData =, lapply(subjects, function(x) {read.csv(x, header = TRUE)}))
allData$ROI <- as.factor(allData$ROI)
allData <- allData[,-c(5)] # remove vox numbers - not needed here
rois = levels(allData$ROI)
cat('Number of subjects =', length(unique(allData$SubID)),'\n')
Number of subjects = 27
cat('Removing influential onset betas, |z| >', outlier_value,'\n')
Removing influential onset betas, |z| > 4
# ******************************************************** #
### add z score of betas within region and subject to remove outliers:
allData <- allData %>%
group_by(SubID, ROI) %>%
mutate(Z = zscore(MeanBeta))
# remove betas that are > XSD -- print this number
allData.clean <- allData
allData.clean$MeanBeta[abs(allData.clean$Z) > outlier_value] <- NA #mark beta as NA if outlier
allData.clean <- allData.clean[,-c(6)] # remove Z values
#spread data so each of the 204 ROIs is in its own column (to align with behavioral data)
myBetas = data.frame(spread(allData.clean, ROI, MeanBeta))
myBetas$TotalEncodingTrial <- 1:nTotal
# remove all trials where there is at least one NA (at least one of the ROIs is an outlier on that trial) -
# to keep the trials analyzed the same across regions:
idxBetas <- complete.cases(myBetas)
myBetas.clean <- myBetas[idxBetas,]
cat('Total number of onsets removed =',sum(!idxBetas),'out of',nTotal,'\n\n')
Total number of onsets removed = 108 out of 3792
##### merge cleaned betas with behavioral data, removing corresponding behavioral trials:
behavData.clean <- behavData[idxBetas,]
testData <-,behavData.clean,by="TotalEncodingTrial")
# remove duplicate columns for subject, run, and study trial
testData <- testData[,-c(2,3,4)]
colnames(testData)[colnames(testData) == 'SubID.y'] <- 'SubID'
colnames(testData)[colnames(testData) == 'Run.y'] <- 'Run'
subjects <- unique(testData$SubID) <- testData #store onset betas and behavioral data for upcoming trial
cat('Cleaned and merged onset betas and behavioral trials\n')
Cleaned and merged onset betas and behavioral trials
Offsets are used to test the relationship between activity and memory for the preceding event
############################# single trial activity data ##############################
# get subjects' data
subjects <- list.files(path='../data/single-trial-betas/event-offset/',full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE, pattern = 'offset-wholebrain')
allData =, lapply(subjects, function(x) {read.csv(x, header = TRUE)}))
allData$ROI <- as.factor(allData$ROI)
allData <- allData[,-c(5)] # remove vox numbers - not needed here
rois = levels(allData$ROI)
cat('Number of subjects =', length(unique(allData$SubID)),'\n')
Number of subjects = 27
cat('Removing influential offset betas, |z| >', outlier_value,'\n')
Removing influential offset betas, |z| > 4
# ******************************************************** #
### add z score of betas within region and subject to remove outliers:
allData <- allData %>%
group_by(SubID, ROI) %>%
mutate(Z = zscore(MeanBeta))
# remove betas that are > XSD -- print this number
allData.clean <- allData
allData.clean$MeanBeta[abs(allData.clean$Z) > outlier_value] <- NA #mark beta as NA if outlier
allData.clean <- allData.clean[,-c(6)] # remove Z values
#spread data so each of the 204 ROIs is in its own column (to align with behavioral data)
myBetas = data.frame(spread(allData.clean, ROI, MeanBeta))
myBetas$TotalEncodingTrial <- 1:nTotal
# remove all trials where there is at least one NA (at least one of the ROIs is an outlier on that trial) -
# to keep the trials analyzed the same across regions:
idxBetas <- complete.cases(myBetas)
myBetas.clean <- myBetas[idxBetas,]
cat('Total number of offsets removed =',sum(!idxBetas),'out of',nTotal,'\n\n')
Total number of offsets removed = 113 out of 3792
##### merge cleaned betas with behavioral data, removing corresponding behavioral trials:
behavData.clean <- behavData[idxBetas,]
testData <-,behavData.clean,by="TotalEncodingTrial")
# remove duplicate columns for subject, run, and study trial
testData <- testData[,-c(2,3,4)]
colnames(testData)[colnames(testData) == 'SubID.y'] <- 'SubID'
colnames(testData)[colnames(testData) == 'Run.y'] <- 'Run'
subjects <- unique(testData$SubID) <- testData #store offset betas and behavioral data for preceding trial
cat('Cleaned and merged offset betas and behavioral trials\n')
Cleaned and merged offset betas and behavioral trials
######### A) #########
## onset N to offset N-1 <- <-
trials_keep <- c()
for (s in 1:length(subjects)) {
for (r in unique($Run[$SubID == subjects[s]])) {
subData.onset <- subset(, SubID == subjects[s] & Run == r)
subData.offset <- subset(, SubID == subjects[s] & Run == r)
for (o in 1:nrow(subData.onset)) {
if ((subData.onset$StudyTrial[o]-1) %in% subData.offset$StudyTrial) { #if the trial before current onset is present in offset list, keep
trials_keep <- c(trials_keep, subData.onset$TotalEncodingTrial[o])
} <-[$TotalEncodingTrial %in% trials_keep,]
trials_keep <- c()
for (s in 1:length(subjects)) {
for (r in unique($Run[$SubID == subjects[s]])) {
subData.onset <- subset(, SubID == subjects[s] & Run == r)
subData.offset <- subset(, SubID == subjects[s] & Run == r)
for (o in 1:nrow(subData.offset)) {
if ((subData.offset$StudyTrial[o]+1) %in% subData.onset$StudyTrial) { #if the trial after current offset is present in onset list, keep
trials_keep <- c(trials_keep, subData.offset$TotalEncodingTrial[o])
} <-[$TotalEncodingTrial %in% trials_keep,]
# now run per ROI and subject
correlations <- data.frame(array(0,c((length(subjects)*length(rois)),3)))
colnames(correlations) <- c('SubID','ROI','Z')
row = 0
for (r in 1:length(rois)) {
for (s in 1:length(subjects)){
row = row +1
sub.onset <-[$SubID == subjects[s],colnames( == rois[r]]
sub.offset <-[$SubID == subjects[s],colnames( == rois[r]]
correlations$SubID[row] <- subjects[s]
correlations$ROI[row] <- rois[r]
correlations$Z[row] <- fisherz(cor(sub.onset,sub.offset))
sub.summary <- correlations %>% group_by(SubID) %>%
summarise(meanZ = mean(Z))
R = fisherz2r(mean(sub.summary$meanZ))
SEmean = se(sub.summary$meanZ)
cat('Mean correlation (r) between onset N and offset N-1 (separated by 1s ITI) within subject and ROI =',R,', SE =',SEmean,'\n')
Mean correlation (r) between onset N and offset N-1 (separated by 1s ITI) within subject and ROI = 0.8802484 , SE = 0.02030568
######### B) #########
## onset N to offset N
shared.trials <- intersect($TotalEncodingTrial,$TotalEncodingTrial) <-[$TotalEncodingTrial %in% shared.trials,] <-[$TotalEncodingTrial %in% shared.trials,]
# now run per ROI and subject
correlations <- data.frame(array(0,c((length(subjects)*length(rois)),3)))
colnames(correlations) <- c('SubID','ROI','Z')
row = 0
for (r in 1:length(rois)) {
for (s in 1:length(subjects)){
row = row +1
sub.onset <-[$SubID == subjects[s],colnames( == rois[r]]
sub.offset <-[$SubID == subjects[s],colnames( == rois[r]]
correlations$SubID[row] <- subjects[s]
correlations$ROI[row] <- rois[r]
correlations$Z[row] <- fisherz(cor(sub.onset,sub.offset))
sub.summary <- correlations %>% group_by(SubID) %>%
summarise(meanZ = mean(Z))
R = fisherz2r(mean(sub.summary$meanZ))
SEmean = se(sub.summary$meanZ)
cat('Mean correlation (r) between onset N and offset N (separated by 6s trial) within subject and ROI =',R,', SE =',SEmean,'\n')
Mean correlation (r) between onset N and offset N (separated by 6s trial) within subject and ROI = 0.1379871 , SE = 0.01122709
Note - each chunk will take a few minutes to run.
Where across the brain does activity at linearly scale with memory quantity (0,1,2,3) in the upcoming trial (using onset) or the preceding trial (using offset)?
curFile = 'memorydetail_effects_onsetoffset.csv'
### set up data frame for mixed effect model results: <- data.frame(array(0,c(length(rois)*2,8)))
colnames( <- c('ROI','Phase','Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
row = 0
### loop over onset (~ upcoming event memory) and offset (~ preceding event memory)
for (phase in 1:2) {
# gather data so behavioral variables are replicated over each ROI (now as a single column factor)
if (phase == 1) { <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
time = 'Onset'
} else if (phase == 2) { <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
time = 'Offset'
# ******** run linear mixed effects model within each ROI and store results **********
for (r in 1:length(rois)) {
thisROI <- as.character(rois[r])
roiData <- subset(, ROI == thisROI)
roiData$MemoryDetail <- scale(roiData$MemoryDetail, scale = FALSE) # mean-center memory predictor
# run lmer and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(Beta ~ MemoryDetail +
(1 + MemoryDetail||SubID), data = roiData))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 # number of fixed effects, discounting intercept
### add fixed effects and p values to data frame$ROI[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- thisROI$Phase[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- time$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
#### FDR-correct all p-values for multiple comparisons$Pfdr <- 1
p.values <-$Pvalue$Pfdr <- p.adjust(p.values, method = "fdr")
## save out parameter estimates and p values as csv file for creating a .nii map of results
write.csv(, file = curFile, row.names = FALSE)
cat('Results saved in',curFile)
Results saved in memorydetail_effects_onsetoffset.csv
This analysis is the same as above, but we are checking that the results look similar if we explicitly include memory detail on trial N-1 or N+1 as a covariate when testing the relationship between onset/offset N and memory detail on trial N.
curFile = 'memorydetail_effects_covariate.csv'
### set up data frame for mixed effect model results: <- data.frame(array(0,c(length(rois)*2,8)))
colnames( <- c('ROI','Phase','Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
row = 0
### loop over onset and offset
for (phase in 1:2) {
trials.n <- c()
trials.n1 <- c()
# gather data so behavioral variables are replicated over each ROI (now as a single column factor)
if (phase == 1) { <-
time = 'Onset'
# now loop through and only retain trial N if trial N-1 (immediately adjacent to onset N) is present (within subject and run)
for (n in 2:nrow( { #can't include first trial in N vector
if ($EncodingEvent[n-1] ==$EncodingEvent[n]-1) {
trials.n <- c(trials.n, n)
trials.n1 <- c(trials.n1, n-1)
} else if (phase == 2) { <-
time = 'Offset'
# now loop through and only retain trial N if trial N+1 (immediately adjacent to offset N) is present (within subject and run)
for (n in 1:(nrow( { #can't include final trial N vector
if ($EncodingEvent[n+1] ==$EncodingEvent[n]+1) {
trials.n <- c(trials.n, n)
trials.n1 <- c(trials.n1, n+1)
# format data for MemoryDetail and MemoryDetailN1 predictors <-[trials.n,] <-[trials.n1,]$MemoryDetailN1 <-$MemoryDetail <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
# ******** run linear mixed effects within each ROI and store results **********
for (r in 1:length(rois)) {
thisROI <- as.character(rois[r])
roiData <- subset(, ROI == thisROI)
roiData$MemoryDetail <- scale(roiData$MemoryDetail, scale = FALSE) # mean-center predictor
roiData$MemoryDetailN1 <- scale(roiData$MemoryDetailN1, scale = FALSE) # mean-center predictor
# run lmer and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(Beta ~ MemoryDetail + MemoryDetailN1 +
(1 + MemoryDetail + MemoryDetailN1||SubID), data = roiData))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 2 # number of fixed effect predictors - but don't need to store covariate results or intercept
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$ROI[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- thisROI$Phase[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- time$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
#### FDR-correct all p-values for multiple comparisons$Pfdr <- 1
p.values <-$Pvalue$Pfdr <- p.adjust(p.values, method = "fdr")
## save out parameter estimates and p values as csv file for creating a .nii map of results
write.csv(, file = curFile, row.names = FALSE)
cat('Results saved in',curFile)
Results saved in memorydetail_effects_covariate.csv
Instead of modeling time points at the beginning and end of each event, this analysis models each event (from onset to offset) as a 6s epoch.
############################# single trial activity data ##############################
# get subjects' data
subjects <- list.files(path='../data/single-trial-betas/6s-event/',full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE, pattern = 'epoch-wholebrain')
allData =, lapply(subjects, function(x) {read.csv(x, header = TRUE)}))
allData$ROI <- as.factor(allData$ROI)
allData <- allData[,-c(5)] # remove vox numbers - not needed here
rois = levels(allData$ROI)
cat('Number of subjects =', length(unique(allData$SubID)),'\n')
Number of subjects = 27
cat('Removing influential event betas, |z| >', outlier_value,'\n')
Removing influential event betas, |z| > 4
# ******************************************************** #
### add z score of betas within region and subject to remove outliers:
allData <- allData %>%
group_by(SubID, ROI) %>%
mutate(Z = zscore(MeanBeta))
# remove betas that are > XSD -- print this number
allData.clean <- allData
allData.clean$MeanBeta[abs(allData.clean$Z) > outlier_value] <- NA #mark beta as NA if outlier
allData.clean <- allData.clean[,-c(6)] # remove Z values
#spread data so each of the 204 ROIs is in its own column (to align with behavioral data)
myBetas = data.frame(spread(allData.clean, ROI, MeanBeta))
myBetas$TotalEncodingTrial <- 1:nTotal
# remove all trials where there is at least one NA (at least one of the ROIs is an outlier on that trial) -
# to keep the trials analyzed the same across regions:
idxBetas <- complete.cases(myBetas)
myBetas.clean <- myBetas[idxBetas,]
cat('Total number of events removed =',sum(!idxBetas),'out of',nTotal,'\n\n')
Total number of events removed = 59 out of 3792
##### merge cleaned betas with behavioral data, removing corresponding behavioral trials:
behavData.clean <- behavData[idxBetas,]
testData <-,behavData.clean,by="TotalEncodingTrial")
# remove duplicate columns for subject, run, and study trial
testData <- testData[,-c(2,3,4)]
colnames(testData)[colnames(testData) == 'SubID.y'] <- 'SubID'
colnames(testData)[colnames(testData) == 'Run.y'] <- 'Run'
subjects <- unique(testData$SubID) <- testData #store event betas and behavioral data for current trial
cat('Cleaned and merged event betas and behavioral trials\n')
Cleaned and merged event betas and behavioral trials
curFile = 'memorydetail_effects_eventepoch.csv'
### set up data frame for mixed effect model results: <- data.frame(array(0,c(length(rois),8)))
colnames( <- c('ROI','Phase','Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
row = 0 <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
time = 'Epoch'
# ******** run linear mixed effects within each ROI and store results **********
for (r in 1:length(rois)) {
thisROI <- as.character(rois[r])
roiData <- subset(, ROI == thisROI)
roiData$MemoryDetail <- scale(roiData$MemoryDetail, scale = FALSE) # mean-center predictor
# run lmer and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(Beta ~ MemoryDetail +
(1 + MemoryDetail||SubID), data = roiData))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 # number of fixed effects, discounting intercept
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$ROI[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- thisROI$Phase[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- time$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
#### FDR-correct all p-values for multiple comparisons$Pfdr <- 1
p.values <-$Pvalue$Pfdr <- p.adjust(p.values, method = "fdr")
## save out parameter estimates and p values as csv file for creating a .nii map of results
write.csv(, file = curFile, row.names = FALSE)
cat('Results saved in',curFile)
Results saved in memorydetail_effects_eventepoch.csv
Here, we demonstrate the similarity of our onset- and offset-based analyses to a model where we disregard any distinction between correlated offset N and onset N+1 signals, modeling them together as a single 1s ITI. ITI activity is predicted by subsequent memory for the upcoming or preceding event.
############################# single trial activity data ##############################
# get subjects' data
subjects <- list.files(path='../data/single-trial-betas/1s-ITI/',full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE, pattern = 'ITI-wholebrain')
allData =, lapply(subjects, function(x) {read.csv(x, header = TRUE)}))
allData$ROI <- as.factor(allData$ROI)
allData <- allData[,-c(5)] # remove vox numbers - not needed here
rois = levels(allData$ROI)
cat('Number of subjects =', length(unique(allData$SubID)),'\n')
Number of subjects = 27
cat('Removing influential ITI betas, |z| >', outlier_value,'\n')
Removing influential ITI betas, |z| > 4
# ******************************************************** #
### add z score of betas within region and subject to remove outlier boundaries:
allData <- allData %>%
group_by(SubID, ROI) %>%
mutate(Z = zscore(MeanBeta))
# remove betas that are > XSD -- print this number
allData.clean <- allData
allData.clean$MeanBeta[abs(allData.clean$Z) > outlier_value] <- NA #mark beta as NA if outlier
allData.clean <- allData.clean[,-c(6)] # remove Z values
#spread data so each of the 204 ROIs is in its own column
myBetas = data.frame(spread(allData.clean, ROI, MeanBeta))
myBetas$TotalEvent <- 1:nrow(myBetas)
forwardBehav <- behavData[behavData$EncodingEvent > 1,] #if predicting forward from ITI, we can use all but behavioral trial 1 (first trial per run)
forwardBehav$TotalEvent <- 1:nrow(forwardBehav)
backwardBehav <- behavData[behavData$EncodingEvent < 24,] #if predicting backward from ITI, we can use all but behavioral trial 24 (final trial per run)
backwardBehav$TotalEvent <- 1:nrow(backwardBehav)
### CLEAN DATA and merge with behavior
# remove all trials where there is at least one NA (at least one of the ROIs is an outlier on that trial):
idxBetas <- complete.cases(myBetas)
myBetas.clean <- myBetas[idxBetas,]
forwardBehav.clean <- forwardBehav[idxBetas,]
backwardBehav.clean <- backwardBehav[idxBetas,]
cat('Total number of ITIs removed =',nrow(myBetas)-nrow(myBetas.clean),'out of',nrow(myBetas),'\n\n')
Total number of ITIs removed = 98 out of 3634 <-,forwardBehav.clean,by="TotalEvent") <-,backwardBehav.clean,by="TotalEvent")
# remove duplicate columns for subject, study trial, and run ---------- <-[,-c(2,3,4)]
colnames([colnames( == 'SubID.y'] <- 'SubID'
colnames([colnames( == 'Run.y'] <- 'Run' <-[,-c(2,3,4)]
colnames([colnames( == 'SubID.y'] <- 'SubID'
colnames([colnames( == 'Run.y'] <- 'Run'
subjects <- unique($SubID)
cat('Cleaned and merged ITI betas and behavioral trials\n')
Cleaned and merged ITI betas and behavioral trials
curFile = 'memorydetail_effects_ITI.csv'
### set up data frame for mixed effect model results: <- data.frame(array(0,c(length(rois)*2,8)))
colnames( <- c('ROI','Phase','Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
row = 0
### loop over onset and offset
for (phase in 1:2) {
# gather data so behavioral variables are replicated over each ROI (now as a single column factor)
if (phase == 1) { <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
time = 'Upcoming'
} else if (phase == 2) { <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
time = 'Preceding'
# ******** run linear mixed effects within each ROI and store results **********
for (r in 1:length(rois)) {
thisROI <- as.character(rois[r])
roiData <- subset(, ROI == thisROI)
roiData$MemoryDetail <- scale(roiData$MemoryDetail, scale = FALSE) # mean-center predictor
# run lmer and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(Beta ~ MemoryDetail +
(1 + MemoryDetail||SubID), data = roiData))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 # number of fixed effects, discounting intercept
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$ROI[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- thisROI$Phase[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- time$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
#### FDR-correct p-values for multiple comparisons$Pfdr <- 1
p.values <-$Pvalue$Pfdr <- p.adjust(p.values, method = "fdr")
## save out parameter estimates and p values as csv file for creating a .nii map of results
write.csv(, file = curFile, row.names = FALSE)
cat('Results saved in',curFile)
Results saved in memorydetail_effects_ITI.csv
After accounting for covariance with the other two features in the model, where is onset/offset activity uniquely predicted by successful color, scene, or sound encoding?
curFile = 'feature_effects_onsetoffset.csv'
### set up data frame for mixed effect model results: <- data.frame(array(0,c(length(rois)*6,8))) # *6 (3 features x 2 times)
colnames( <- c('ROI','Phase','Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
row = 0
### loop over onset and offset
for (phase in 1:2) {
# gather data so behavioral variables are replicated over each ROI (now as a single column factor)
if (phase == 1) { <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
time = 'Onset'
} else if (phase == 2) { <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
time = 'Offset'
# ******** run linear mixed effects within each ROI and store results for each feature fixed effect **********
for (r in 1:length(rois)) {
thisROI <- as.character(rois[r])
roiData <- subset(, ROI == thisROI)
roiData$Sound <- scale(roiData$Sound, scale = FALSE) # mean-center
roiData$Color <- scale(roiData$Color, scale = FALSE) # mean-center
roiData$Scene <- scale(roiData$Scene, scale = FALSE) # mean-center
# run lmer, simplify random effect structure as > 2 fixed effects, and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(lmer(Beta ~ Sound + Color + Scene +
(1 + Sound + Color + Scene||SubID), data = roiData)))
full.model <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(get_model(step(full.model,
reduce.random = TRUE, reduce.fixed = FALSE))))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 # number of fixed effects, discounting intercept
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$ROI[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- thisROI$Phase[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- time$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
#### FDR-correct p-values for multiple comparisons$Pfdr <- 1
p.values <-$Pvalue$Pfdr <- p.adjust(p.values, method = "fdr")
## save out parameter estimates and p values as csv file for creating a .nii map of results
write.csv(, file = curFile, row.names = FALSE)
cat('Results saved in',curFile)
Results saved in feature_effects_onsetoffset.csv
Like for overall memory detail, here we are predicting activity through the entire 6s trial (onset to offset) with subsequent memory for each feature.
curFile = 'feature_effects_eventepoch.csv'
### set up data frame for mixed effect model results: <- data.frame(array(0,c(length(rois)*3,8))) # *3 features
colnames( <- c('ROI','Phase','Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
row = 0 <- gather(, ROI, Beta, rois)
time = 'Epoch'
# ******** run linear mixed effects within each ROI and store results for each feature fixed effect **********
for (r in 1:length(rois)) {
thisROI <- as.character(rois[r])
roiData <- subset(, ROI == thisROI)
roiData$Sound <- scale(roiData$Sound, scale = FALSE) # mean-center
roiData$Color <- scale(roiData$Color, scale = FALSE) # mean-center
roiData$Scene <- scale(roiData$Scene, scale = FALSE) # mean-center
# run lmer, simplify random effect structure as > 2 fixed effects, and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(lmer(Beta ~ Sound + Color + Scene +
(1 + Sound + Color + Scene||SubID), data = roiData)))
full.model <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(get_model(step(full.model,
reduce.random = TRUE, reduce.fixed = FALSE))))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 # number of fixed effects, discounting intercept
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$ROI[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- thisROI$Phase[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- time$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
#### FDR-correct all p-values for multiple comparisons$Pfdr <- 1
p.values <-$Pvalue$Pfdr <- p.adjust(p.values, method = "fdr")
## save out parameter estimates and p values as csv file for creating a .nii map of results
write.csv(, file = curFile, row.names = FALSE)
cat('Results saved in',curFile)
Results saved in feature_effects_eventepoch.csv
Note, here we are predicting memory on trial N from onset N and offset N (in the same model) to test and contrast unique variance of fixed effects
############ define rois ##############
# 1. Significant offset memory detail response (activity relates to memory for preceding event)
HIPP <- c('LH_HIPP')
# 3. Significant onset memory detail response (activity relates to memory for upcoming event)
IFG <- c('LH_ContA_PFCl_2','LH_DefaultB_PFCv_4','LH_ContA_PFCl_1')
# 2. Significant feature onset effects (activity relates to memory for upcoming event)
VTC <- c('RH_DorsAttnA_TempOcc_1','RH_LimbicA_TempPole_4','RH_VisCent_ExStr_2') # Color
AUD <- c('RH_SomMotB_Aud_1','LH_SomMotB_Aud_1','RH_SomMotB_Aud_2','LH_SomMotB_Aud_2') # Sound
MTL <- c('RH_DefaultC_PHC_1','LH_DefaultC_PHC_1','RH_DefaultC_Rsp_1','LH_DefaultC_Rsp_1') # Scene
newRois <- c('HIPP','IFG','VTC','AUD','MTL')
mycolors <- c("#7c67a2","#ff9000","#F64F59","#1D976C","#009FFF")
cat('Regions analyzed:\n\n',
Regions analyzed:
IFG: LH_ContA_PFCl_2 LH_DefaultB_PFCv_4 LH_ContA_PFCl_1
VTC: RH_DorsAttnA_TempOcc_1 RH_LimbicA_TempPole_4 RH_VisCent_ExStr_2
AUD: RH_SomMotB_Aud_1 LH_SomMotB_Aud_1 RH_SomMotB_Aud_2 LH_SomMotB_Aud_2
MTL: RH_DefaultC_PHC_1 LH_DefaultC_PHC_1 RH_DefaultC_Rsp_1 LH_DefaultC_Rsp_1
### make sure each trial to-be-modeled has an associated onset and offset beta
matching_trials <- intersect($TotalEncodingTrial,$TotalEncodingTrial) <-[$TotalEncodingTrial %in% matching_trials,] <-[$TotalEncodingTrial %in% matching_trials,]
behav.roi <-[,206:244] #grab behavioral data for all trials with valid onsets & offsets
########## average betas within these new ROIs ###########
##### onset data for rois <- gather(, ROI, Beta, myRois)
nleft <- length(rois) - length(myRois) + 1 <-[,-c(1:nleft)] #remove other regions
### allocate 'new' ROI$NewROI[$ROI %in% HIPP] <- 'HIPP'$NewROI[$ROI %in% IFG] <- 'IFG'$NewROI[$ROI %in% VTC] <- 'VTC'$NewROI[$ROI %in% AUD] <- 'AUD'$NewROI[$ROI %in% MTL] <- 'MTL'
### now summarise activity within these new ROIs per trial <- <- %>% group_by(SubID,StudyTrial,NewROI) %>%
summarise(NewBeta = mean(Beta)) <- spread(, NewROI, NewBeta)
myROIData <- merge(,behav.roi) <- gather(myROIData, ROI, Beta, AUD:VTC) <-
##### offset data for rois <- gather(, ROI, Beta, myRois)
nleft <- length(rois) - length(myRois) + 1 <-[,-c(1:nleft)]
### allocate 'new' ROI$NewROI[$ROI %in% HIPP] <- 'HIPP'$NewROI[$ROI %in% IFG] <- 'IFG'$NewROI[$ROI %in% VTC] <- 'VTC'$NewROI[$ROI %in% AUD] <- 'AUD'$NewROI[$ROI %in% MTL] <- 'MTL'
### now summarise within these new ROIs <- <- %>% group_by(SubID,StudyTrial,NewROI) %>%
summarise(NewBeta = mean(Beta)) <- spread(, NewROI, NewBeta)
myROIData <- merge(,behav.roi) <- gather(myROIData, ROI, Beta, AUD:VTC) <-
###### combined onset and offset data$Phase <- 'Onset'$Phase <- 'Offset' <- rbind(,
Now we are predicting memory detail or feature memory on trial N with onset N and offset N regressors to get unique variance and to run offset - onset contrast per ROI
#################################### <- data.frame(array(0,c(length(newRois)*2,7)))
colnames( <- c('ROI','Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
row = 0
for (r in 1:length(newRois)) {
this.roi <- newRois[r]
roiData <- subset(, ROI == this.roi)
roiData <- spread(roiData, Phase, Beta) #make onset and offset activity different columns
roiData$Onset <- scale(roiData$Onset, scale = TRUE) # z-score for direct comparison of betas
roiData$Offset <- scale(roiData$Offset, scale = TRUE) # z-score for direct comparison of betas
if (this.roi == 'HIPP' | this.roi == 'IFG') { # Memory Detail
roiData$MemoryDetail <- scale(roiData$MemoryDetail, scale = TRUE) # z-score for direct visual comparison across features
# run lmer, simplify random effect structure, and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(MemoryDetail ~ Onset + Offset +
(1 + Onset + Offset||SubID), data = roiData))
} else if (this.roi == 'VTC') { # Color
roiData$Color <- scale(roiData$Color, scale = TRUE) # z-score for direct visual comparison across features
# run lmer, simplify random effect structure, and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(Color ~ Onset + Offset +
(1 + Onset + Offset||SubID), data = roiData))
} else if (this.roi == 'AUD') { # Sound
roiData$Sound <- scale(roiData$Sound, scale = TRUE) # z-score for direct visual comparison across features
# run lmer, simplify random effect structure, and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(Sound ~ Onset + Offset +
(1 + Onset + Offset||SubID), data = roiData))
} else if (this.roi == 'MTL') { # Scene
roiData$Scene <- scale(roiData$Scene, scale = TRUE) # z-score for direct visual comparison across features
# run lmer, simplify random effect structure, and get fixed effect stats
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(Scene ~ Onset + Offset +
(1 + Onset + Offset||SubID), data = roiData))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 # number of fixed effects, discounting intercept
# one-sample t-test (first regressor is intercept) and effect size
con <- contest(full.model, c(0,-1,1), joint = FALSE, ddf = "Satterthwaite")
format="pandoc", caption=paste(this.roi,': offset - onset',sep="")))
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$ROI[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- as.character(this.roi)$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
Table: HIPP: offset - onset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0.0778628 0.0314208 52.53739 2.478067 0.0148277 0.1408979 0.0164591
Table: IFG: offset - onset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------
-0.069933 0.0289432 64.63027 -2.416221 -0.1277428 -0.0121233 0.0185171
Table: VTC: offset - onset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
----------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
-0.0342065 0.0302195 63.75277 -1.131933 -0.0945814 0.0261684 0.2619021
Table: AUD: offset - onset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
----------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------
-0.1526207 0.0316429 49.82872 -4.823219 -0.2161827 -0.0890586 0.0000137
Table: MTL: offset - onset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
----------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------
-0.1021936 0.0298283 64.05106 -3.426061 -0.1617816 -0.0426056 0.001074
# order factors for plotting$ROI <- factor($ROI, levels=newRois)$Feature <- factor($Feature, levels=c('Onset','Offset'))
### print full output:
print(kable(,format="pandoc",caption = 'Memory onset and offset fixed effects for ROIs'))
Table: Memory onset and offset fixed effects for ROIs
ROI Feature Beta SE T Df Pvalue
----- -------- ----------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------
HIPP Onset -0.0065245 0.0244801 -0.2665232 24.62175 0.7920557
HIPP Offset 0.0713383 0.0183772 3.8818908 25.48367 0.0006532
IFG Onset 0.0916657 0.0208859 4.3888752 28.30980 0.0001441
IFG Offset 0.0217326 0.0184680 1.1767737 28.28564 0.2490942
VTC Onset 0.0696376 0.0192857 3.6108400 26.60833 0.0012466
VTC Offset 0.0354312 0.0211580 1.6746018 25.15619 0.1064018
AUD Onset 0.1247330 0.0254266 4.9056194 26.17756 0.0000424
AUD Offset -0.0278876 0.0167154 -1.6683770 26.59410 0.1069743
MTL Onset 0.1036571 0.0189948 5.4571405 28.65378 0.0000074
MTL Offset 0.0014635 0.0211917 0.0690607 25.07645 0.9454891
###### plot
ggplot(, aes(x=ROI, y=Beta, fill=Feature)) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0,size=1) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.75, size = 1, width = 0.75,
color = "black", position = position_dodge(1)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#BFBFBF","#404040")) +
ggtitle("Unique effects of pre- and post-event activity\non subsequent memory") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Beta - SE, ymax = Beta + SE), width = 0.4, size = 1,
color = "black", position = position_dodge(1)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=28, margin=margin(0,0,20,0)),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black", size = 1), axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black", size = 1),
axis.text = element_text(size = 22), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 26),
axis.title.x = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(),
text = element_text(family="Helvetica"), legend.title = element_blank(),
plot.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "cm"))
Here, we are testing if the relationship between onset activity of IFG/VTC/AUD/PHC-RSC and HIPP offset activity is modulated by subsequent memory detail (strongest synchrony if more features recalled?)
#################################### <- data.frame(array(0,c(4*3,7)))
colnames( <- c('ROI','Predictor','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
row = 0
new.df <-[$ROI == 'HIPP' &$Phase == 'Offset',c("SubID","Beta","MemoryDetail")]
colnames(new.df)[2] <- 'HIPP'
new.df$IFG <-[$ROI == 'IFG' &$Phase == 'Onset',c("Beta")]
new.df$VTC <-[$ROI == 'VTC' &$Phase == 'Onset',c("Beta")]
new.df$AUD <-[$ROI == 'AUD' &$Phase == 'Onset',c("Beta")]
new.df$MTL <-[$ROI == 'MTL' &$Phase == 'Onset',c("Beta")]
new.df[,2:7] <- scale(new.df[,2:7], scale = TRUE) # z score all variables
for (r in 1:(length(newRois)-1)) {
if (r == 1) { # IFG
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(HIPP ~ IFG*MemoryDetail +
(1 + IFG*MemoryDetail||SubID), data = new.df))
} else if (r == 2) { # VTC
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(HIPP ~ VTC*MemoryDetail +
(1 + VTC*MemoryDetail||SubID), data = new.df))
} else if (r == 3) { # AUD
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(HIPP ~ AUD*MemoryDetail +
(1 + AUD*MemoryDetail||SubID), data = new.df))
} else if (r == 4) { # MTL
full.model <- suppressMessages(lmer(HIPP ~ MTL*MemoryDetail +
(1 + MTL*MemoryDetail||SubID), data = new.df))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 #removing intercept
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$ROI[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- as.character(newRois[r+1])$Predictor[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
### print full output:
print(kable(,format="pandoc",caption = 'Hipp Offset ~ [ROI] Onset * Memory Detail'))
Table: Hipp Offset ~ [ROI] Onset * Memory Detail
ROI Predictor Beta SE T Df Pvalue
---- ----------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------
IFG IFG 0.1496640 0.0223252 6.7038143 22.37516 0.0000009
IFG MemoryDetail 0.0679213 0.0231550 2.9333270 22.82346 0.0075071
IFG IFG:MemoryDetail -0.0080134 0.0178003 -0.4501845 24.11499 0.6565985
VTC VTC 0.0959211 0.0241919 3.9650043 21.03917 0.0007043
VTC MemoryDetail 0.0728899 0.0235342 3.0971874 23.11032 0.0050628
VTC VTC:MemoryDetail -0.0062203 0.0178057 -0.3493454 15.99040 0.7313882
AUD AUD 0.1133499 0.0226320 5.0083941 23.36767 0.0000437
AUD MemoryDetail 0.0724787 0.0233296 3.1067301 23.42577 0.0048983
AUD AUD:MemoryDetail 0.0110593 0.0168390 0.6567632 1422.24848 0.5114394
MTL MTL 0.1210409 0.0258302 4.6860189 24.47365 0.0000882
MTL MemoryDetail 0.0700037 0.0219351 3.1914049 21.66850 0.0042720
MTL MTL:MemoryDetail 0.0045381 0.0191412 0.2370848 19.51902 0.8150615
Which specific feature combinations is hippocampus sensitive to? Here, we are predicting L_HIPP onset or offset activity with binary regressors capturing each possible combination of features recalled.
my.plots = list()
plot.max = c(0.6, 1)
c = 0
for (this.roi in c('HIPP')) {
#################################### <- data.frame(array(0,c(7*2,7)))
colnames( <- c('Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue','Phase')
### loop over onset and offset
for (phase in 1:2) {
# gather data so behavioral variables are replicated over each ROI (now as a single column factor)
if (phase == 1) {
roiData <- subset(, ROI == this.roi)
time = 'Onset'
} else if (phase == 2) {
roiData <- subset(, ROI == this.roi)
time = 'Offset'
# NOTE. not mean-centering here as zero is meaningful -- excluding trials in other conditions. Implicit baseline = none recalled
full.model <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(lmer(Beta ~ Color.Only + Sound.Only + Scene.Only +
Color.Scene + Sound.Color + Scene.Sound +
Color.Scene.Sound +
(1 + Color.Only + Sound.Only + Scene.Only +
Color.Scene + Sound.Color + Scene.Sound +
data = roiData)))
full.model <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(get_model(step(full.model,
reduce.random = TRUE, reduce.fixed = FALSE))))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 # number of fixed effects, discounting intercept
# test if scene binding is > recalling scene alone (first position is intercept)
con <- contest(full.model, c(0,0,0,-1,(1/3),0,(1/3),(1/3)), joint = FALSE, ddf = "Satterthwaite")
format="pandoc", caption=paste(this.roi,': Scene Binding vs. Scene Alone at ',time,sep="")))
# test if scene binding is > recalling color and sound without scene (first position is intercept)
con <- contest(full.model, c(0,0,0,0,(1/3),-1,(1/3),(1/3)), joint = FALSE, ddf = "Satterthwaite")
format="pandoc", caption=paste(this.roi,': Scene Binding vs. Color&Sound at ',time,sep="")))
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$Phase[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- time$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
##### PLOT
order <- c("Color.Only","Scene.Only","Sound.Only","Sound.Color","Color.Scene","Scene.Sound","Color.Scene.Sound")
# colors for venn diagram space feature combinations
barcolors <- c("#f76c67","#67aaf7","#0bca81","#f6a84f","#9c67f7","#67f7f0","#7F7F7F")$Feature <- factor($Feature, levels=order)$Phase <- factor($Phase, levels=c('Onset','Offset'))
c = c+1
my.plots[[c]] <- ggplot(, aes(x=Feature, y=Beta, fill=Feature)) +
facet_grid(. ~ Phase) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0,size=1) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.80, size = 1, width = 0.75,
color = "black", position = position_dodge(1)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = barcolors) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.3,plot.max[c])) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Beta - SE, ymax = Beta + SE), width = 0.4, size = 1,
color = "black", position = position_dodge(1)) +
ggtitle(paste(this.roi,'encoding activity vs. none recalled',sep=" ")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=28, margin=margin(0,0,20,0)),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black", size = 1), axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black", size = 1),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 16, angle = 45, hjust=1, vjust=1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 22), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 26),
axis.title.x = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.position="none", strip.text.x = element_text(size=28), text = element_text(family="Helvetica"),
plot.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "cm"))
### print full output:
print(kable(,format="pandoc",caption = paste('Remembered features (vs. none recalled) for',this.roi,sep = " ")))
Table: HIPP: Scene Binding vs. Scene Alone at Onset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
0.0490484 0.1119956 2594.081 0.4379491 -0.1705615 0.2686583 0.6614597
Table: HIPP: Scene Binding vs. Color&Sound at Onset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
0.0309742 0.1129433 2469.901 0.2742455 -0.1904991 0.2524474 0.7839189
Table: HIPP: Scene Binding vs. Scene Alone at Offset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
--------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------- ----------
0.239022 0.1476316 22.43739 1.619043 -0.0668017 0.5448456 0.1194101
Table: HIPP: Scene Binding vs. Color&Sound at Offset
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0.2328095 0.1167075 1285.221 1.994812 0.0038514 0.4617677 0.0462743
Table: Remembered features (vs. none recalled) for HIPP
Feature Beta SE T Df Pvalue Phase
------------------ ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- -------
Color.Only -0.1415691 0.1165886 -1.2142619 3555.61457 0.2247284 Onset
Sound.Only -0.0489743 0.1539740 -0.3180684 3554.33722 0.7504517 Onset
Scene.Only -0.0811641 0.1291471 -0.6284619 3559.88947 0.5297417 Onset
Color.Scene 0.0131775 0.1103558 0.1194093 3548.08313 0.9049579 Onset
Sound.Color -0.0630898 0.1304795 -0.4835231 3574.89334 0.6287540 Onset
Scene.Sound -0.0796042 0.1186943 -0.6706652 3540.50522 0.5024776 Onset
Color.Scene.Sound -0.0299203 0.1098568 -0.2723576 91.60632 0.7859600 Onset
Color.Only 0.0875331 0.1178921 0.7424850 3537.85669 0.4578428 Offset
Sound.Only 0.0388375 0.1556466 0.2495238 3529.99510 0.8029701 Offset
Scene.Only 0.1604685 0.1598229 1.0040394 30.36143 0.3232950 Offset
Color.Scene 0.3601762 0.1322209 2.7240494 51.89518 0.0087661 Offset
Sound.Color 0.1666809 0.1319913 1.2628168 3562.50568 0.2067377 Offset
Scene.Sound 0.4503095 0.1201740 3.7471461 3525.03630 0.0001817 Offset
Color.Scene.Sound 0.3879857 0.1128184 3.4390288 90.31313 0.0008853 Offset
ggarrange(plotlist = my.plots, ncol = c, nrow = 1)
##### load in hippocampal voxel data for all subjects:
subjects <- list.files(path='../data/single-trial-betas/event-offset/',full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE, pattern = 'offset-LH_HIPP')
allData =, lapply(subjects, function(x) {read.csv(x, header = TRUE)}))
allData$Segment <- as.factor(allData$Segment)
### add z score of betas within region and subject to remove outliers:
allData <- allData %>%
group_by(SubID, Segment) %>%
mutate(Z = zscore(Beta))
# mark betas that are > XSD
allData$Beta[abs(allData$Z) > outlier_value] <- NA #mark beta as NA if outlier
allData <- allData[,-c(6)] # remove Z values
# merge with behavioral data
myBetas = spread(allData, Segment, Beta)
myBetas$TotalEncodingTrial <- 1:nTotal <- merge(myBetas, behavData, by="TotalEncodingTrial") <-[,-c(2,3,4)]
colnames([colnames( == 'SubID.y'] <- 'SubID'
colnames([colnames( == 'Run.y'] <- 'Run'
# remove all trials where there is at least one NA (at least one of the ROIs is an outlier on that trial):
idxBetas <- complete.cases(myBetas) <-[idxBetas,] <- gather(, Segment, Beta, Anterior:Posterior)
#################################### <- data.frame(array(0,c(7*2,7)))
colnames( <- c('Segment','Feature','Beta','SE','T','Df','Pvalue')
for (v in c('Anterior','Posterior')) { <- subset(, Segment == v)
# NOTE. not mean-centering here as zero is meaningful -- excluding trials in other conditions. Implicit baseline = none recalled
full.model <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(lmer(Beta ~ Color.Only + Sound.Only + Scene.Only +
Color.Scene + Sound.Color + Scene.Sound +
Color.Scene.Sound +
(1 + Color.Only + Sound.Only + Scene.Only +
Color.Scene + Sound.Color + Scene.Sound +
data =
full.model <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(get_model(step(full.model,
reduce.random = TRUE, reduce.fixed = FALSE))))
stats <- summary(full.model)$coefficients
nIV <- nrow(stats) - 1 # number of fixed effects, discounting intercept
# binding: >=2 features vs. 1
con <- contest(full.model, c(0,-(1/3),-(1/3),-(1/3),(1/4),(1/4),(1/4),(1/4)), joint = FALSE, ddf = "Satterthwaite")
format="pandoc", caption=paste(this.roi,': Binding (>1 feature vs. 1 feature): ',v,sep="")))
# test if scene binding is > recalling color and sound without scene (first position is intercept)
con <- contest(full.model, c(0,0,0,0,(1/3),-1,(1/3),(1/3)), joint = FALSE, ddf = "Satterthwaite")
format="pandoc", caption=paste(this.roi,': Scene Binding vs. Color&Sound: ',v,sep="")))
### add fixed effects and p values to data matrix$Segment[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- v$Feature[(row+1):(row+nIV)] <- row.names(stats)[2:(nIV+1)][(row+1):(row+nIV),c("Beta","SE","T","Df","Pvalue")] <- stats[2:(nIV+1),
c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","df","Pr(>|t|)")]
row = row + nIV
Table: HIPP: Binding (>1 feature vs. 1 feature): Anterior
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------
0.2518564 0.0977626 2264.288 2.576204 0.0601427 0.44357 0.010052
Table: HIPP: Scene Binding vs. Color&Sound: Anterior
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0.3674827 0.1431639 2476.641 2.566867 0.0867494 0.6482161 0.0103205
Table: HIPP: Binding (>1 feature vs. 1 feature): Posterior
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0.2296148 0.095161 798.2388 2.412909 0.0428194 0.4164102 0.0160502
Table: HIPP: Scene Binding vs. Color&Sound: Posterior
Estimate Std. Error df t value lower upper Pr(>|t|)
---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------
0.0399494 0.1383117 1092.224 0.2888357 -0.2314374 0.3113361 0.772762
### print full output:
print(kable(,format="pandoc",caption = paste('Remembered feature combinations (vs. none recalled) for Anterior vs. Posterior',this.roi,sep = " ")))
Table: Remembered feature combinations (vs. none recalled) for Anterior vs. Posterior HIPP
Segment Feature Beta SE T Df Pvalue
---------- ------------------ ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------
Anterior Color.Only 0.0252935 0.1481130 0.1707715 3751.46478 0.8644127
Anterior Sound.Only -0.0729386 0.1950732 -0.3739039 3750.31295 0.7084969
Anterior Scene.Only 0.1793859 0.1645030 1.0904717 3754.80165 0.2755754
Anterior Color.Scene 0.4046226 0.1392027 2.9067152 3754.48405 0.0036738
Anterior Sound.Color 0.0201579 0.1650469 0.1221343 3772.33454 0.9027991
Anterior Scene.Sound 0.3882230 0.1502669 2.5835574 3743.48907 0.0098163
Anterior Color.Scene.Sound 0.3700763 0.1420303 2.6056152 87.75649 0.0107723
Posterior Color.Only -0.0072212 0.1408325 -0.0512752 3747.72789 0.9591090
Posterior Sound.Only 0.0901479 0.1854740 0.4860405 3741.94425 0.6269669
Posterior Scene.Only 0.1133564 0.1563476 0.7250281 3745.43220 0.4684801
Posterior Color.Scene 0.1661307 0.1700307 0.9770630 39.05305 0.3345519
Posterior Sound.Color 0.2650805 0.1564853 1.6939645 3761.39199 0.0903548
Posterior Scene.Sound 0.4083049 0.1419232 2.8769414 3762.88419 0.0040381
Posterior Color.Scene.Sound 0.3406540 0.1160245 2.9360522 3646.37646 0.0033450
##### PLOT
order <- c("Color.Only","Scene.Only","Sound.Only","Sound.Color","Color.Scene","Scene.Sound","Color.Scene.Sound")
# colors for venn diagram space feature combinations
barcolors <- c("#f76c67","#67aaf7","#0bca81","#f6a84f","#9c67f7","#67f7f0","#7F7F7F")$Feature <- factor($Feature, levels=order)$Segment <- as.factor($Segment)
##### PLOT
ggplot(, aes(x=Feature, y=Beta, fill=Feature)) +
facet_grid(. ~ Segment) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0,size=1) +
scale_fill_manual(values = barcolors) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.35,0.65)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.80, size = 1, width = 0.75,
color = "black", position = position_dodge(1)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Beta - SE, ymax = Beta + SE), width = 0.4, size = 1,
color = "black", position = position_dodge(1)) +
ggtitle("Anterior/posterior hippocampal offset encoding activity") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=28, margin=margin(0,0,20,0)),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black", size = 1), axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black", size = 1),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 16, angle = 45, hjust=1, vjust=1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 22), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 26),
axis.title.x = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.position="none", strip.text.x = element_text(size=28), text = element_text(family="Helvetica"),
plot.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "cm"))